A Simple Blog Post
At 4:14pm local time my novel was FINISHED!!!! And here are some more numbers: 118,145 words; 7,946 sentences; 20 chapters; 62 scenes; 25 months from concept to completion; 2 recognition awards, and appx 10,140 miles (yes, this novel was not all written at home), but IT IS DONE!!! All that's left is spellchecker and a once-through read for continuity, both done with light editing. Then...publication. Whether traditional or self-, I will be published just as soon as possible. #HavingAMomentHere #MyFirstNovel #ThisWritingLife #Unbelievable #PinchMe #NextSteps #OhMyGodThisIsADreamComeTrue #IHopePeopleLikeIt #Scrivener